The EPPSP Experience

Course of Study

The experiential design of EPPSP incorporates each aspect of the principalship training model into a six-semester experience. Utilizing the concept of adult learning as an essential foundation, this experience allows school leaders to work together intensely in a cohort group environment.

The core curriculum of EPPSP is based on the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards and on effective school leadership research.  These standards and principles support the development of instructional leaders who are equipped to lead in a complex society and in a variety of challenging leadership roles.


  • Rigorous
  • Cohort Model
  • Networked
  • Collaborative
  • Community-based
  • Hands-on
  • Challenging
  • Diverse
  • Relationship-based
  • Authentic
  • Relevant
  • Engaging

“The EPPSP program is unique and effective precisely because of its collegiality. The cohort group concept opens doors to creative learning and to future networking and to support. I would recommend the program to any budding administrator who accepts and understands the importance of teamwork.” —Scott Stewart, EPPSP Alumnus Group 17


Indiana Licensure Requirements
REPA 3 Building Level Administrator P-12

Successful completion of Educational Administration coursework (EPPSP).

Candidates must hold a proficient practitioner or standard or provisional instructional license and have two years of fulltime teaching experience in an accredited school.

Schools Leaders Licensure Assessment
Near the end of your EPPSP experience, you will successfully pass the Indiana Department of Education School Administrator Building-Level Licensure exam.

Legacy of Leadership

Are you an alumnus who would like to give back to the program? If you are interested in helping with any of the items below, please contact us for more information.

  • Write for Know News
  • Assist with recruiting
  • Distribute information
  • Purchase BU license Plate

To review and update alumni information, please email